Implementing Federal Acts through Web and Data Integration

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WATI performs analysis, system design and development of the WIA/ARRA system for Community and Senior Services.

WDACS delivers critical support programs to County residents through a network of Contract Agencies. ARRA provides significant funding for WIA to support employment and training services as part of a comprehensive program to stimulate the U.S. Economy.


  • Web-Based Development Services
  • Integration across state and local agencies through Oracle Integration Repository


  • WEB USER INTERFACE to manage the WORKFLOW process
  • ORACLE INTEGRATION Repository to manage external interfaces
  • DATA EXTRACTION and INTEGRATION across multiple County agencies

The Challenge

The mission of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS) is to connect communities and improve the lives of all generations in Los Angeles County. WDACS delivers much of its services to the community through contract agencies. Contract management is at the core activity for delivering services by WDACS. ARRA provides significant funding for WIA to support employment and training services as part of a comprehensive program to stimulate the U.S. Economy.

The Solution

WATI built an interface to the State of California’s JTA system to extract data collected by seven (7) Workforce Investment Areas within the County. WATI transformed JTA data within the Oracle database so that it can facilitate both operational management and reporting requirements. The team extracted County financial transactions to combine expenditures with operational data.

WATI developed web user interfaces that provide near real-time status on the use of stimulus funds for WDACS, County Management, WIB and WIA Contract Agencies. WATI created web user interfaces that provide detailed information on associated job placements and participant activity across three (3) funding streams, including actual to planned variances. WATI created a web user interface to manage the workflow process of applicant selection, placement and follow-up. WATI utilized the Oracle Integration Repository to design, develop and manage external interfaces and built custom interfaces for connection with special County projects and initiatives.


WATI’s solution that combined workflow, data integration and interface development in benefited WDACS in deploying the solution in a timely manner to meet the federal mandate.

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