Protecting the Record Management System for Law Enforcement Agency
- Modify SECDA system features to provide granular-level security to folders by role using OpenText
The Challenge
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) is the largest Sheriff’s Department in the world, with about 18,000 employees. The Department provides patrol services for 153 unincorporated communities of Los Angeles County of California and 42 cities, provide courthouse security for the Superior Court of Los Angeles County, and the housing and transportation of inmates within the county jail system.
SECDA is the Sheriff’s Department’s record management system developed on OpenText Content Management System, for crime reports and booking records. RTS is developed for staff from the Sheriff’s Records and Identification Bureau, to maintain records digitally to meet formal requests coming in from authorized law enforcement agencies, insurance companies, attorneys, and the public.
SECDA and RTS needed development of additional critically needed modifications and enhancements. SCEDA needed features to accommodate changing security related business rules in the access and workflow. RTS needed modifications to build workflows for verification against court seal pending requests.
The Solution
WATI modified existing features and created new ones for SECDA system, that include –
- Creating case folder level security to give unit supervisor the ability to grant case folder access to employees outside the supervisor’s assigned unit
- Creating a security layer to allow employees to change case folder details and contents for all cases belonging to their station or unit.
- Creating a new feature to allow a supervisor to make a case folder confidential and related access provisions
- Creating functionality to append custodian sheet as part of the print out to certify that
hardcopy of a specific document that was requested is in fact a true, certified hardcopy of that document. - Creating a queue for the Sealer role to route newly scanned documents to, for case folders.
- Creating a new functionality for error messages and alerts modification of business rules around retention and purge
WATI modified existing features and created new ones for RTS system, that included –
- Fixing the alert feature notifying clerk of a new requests being entered into RTS when it matches an existing court seal pending request
- Modifying ‘request search’ functionality to expand the scope as per the business needs
WATI successfully completed the needed modifications and enhancements to SECDA and RTS on time and budget.