Red Teaming in the Age of IoT: Securing Smart Devices
Join WATI’s Adobe Practice
WATI is an Adobe partner with a number of potential customers, and solutions around Adobe platform including Adobe Live Cycle, Forms, Analytics, and Sites.
WATI Starts Digital Transformation Event Series
Being the most populous county in the country, Los Angeles County has unique challenges in providing services that affect the lives of all residents…
WATI is Modernizing ARIES
The Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff with the help of WATI is close to reaching the milestone of modernizingAutomated Regional Information Exchange System (ARIES).
WATI Strengthens its Workflow Solutions Practice
WATI strengthens its Workflow Solutions Practice by adding alternative but powerful workflow automation solutions.
WATI Sponsors Government Transformation and Innovation
The Government Transformation and Innovation event was conducted to provide current and emerging government leaders with tools and information that they will use to transform their services to better meet the needs of California’s citizens.